Company Outline

About Nippon Kabaya Ohayo Holdings Inc.

In order to pursue our group’s vision, it was necessary for us to produce chemistry between companies by coordinating and operating together while allowing each company to retain its individuality as much as possible.
To avoid having our vision working from above rather than from the center, we have established a holding company and shifted to a group management structure,
which will allow us to link the group together through people.

Business Information

  • Company Name
    Nippon Kabaya Ohayo Holdings Inc.
  • Date Founded
    February 12, 2016
  • Head Office
    11F Terminal Square, 1-4 Ekimotomachi, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama, 700-0024 Japan
  • Tokyo Head Office
    10F Kioicho Building, 3-12 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-0094 Japan
  • Representative
    Yamazaki Yoko, CEO
  • Capital Stock
    100 million yen
  • Business Description
    Management of each company in our group and related duties
  • Board members
    Yamazaki Yoko
    Endo Hironobu
    Outside Director
    Ohashi Kazuaki
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